Morgan Slam Balls / Dead Balls

Morgan slam balls are created specifically for exercises that require a ball to be slammed or thrown. It is different from all the standard medicine balls and quite big in size.

The equipment is quite popular among fitness enthusiasts as there are more than 10,000 Morgan slam balls sold every year. These slam balls are designed with durable and heavy-duty rubber shell which is further filled with fine sand for smooth fluid movement.

It comes with a rough surface that allows high-quality grip even when they wet. Now every Morgan slam ball features a sunken air valve so it can adjust air capacity as well as firmness. You can also use it as a safety feature that softens the blow.

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Morgan Slam Balls / Dead Balls Slam should never be thrown on the valve side of the ball. You can do this by holding this ball valve side up and then slamming the ball down.

When you inflate the ball, make sure that the needle is full-lubricated with Vaseline so that it can easily into the valve. If the process is not done correctly, then this valve can easily fall into the ball.

Slam balls are available with a warranty of 6 months. To increase the longevity, We would recommend using this on rubber floor tiles, carpet, and floor mats.

Do not use this item directly on a hard floor.


  • 3-15kg slam balls = black
  • 20-40kg slam balls = red
  • 3kg-10kg = 22.86cm
  • 12kg-30kg = 27.94cm
  • 35kg-40kg = 33.02cm